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International Yoga Day Celebration 2021

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Delhi Public School Bangalore West celebrated the 7th International Yoga Day for students of Nursery to Grade VI, on 19th June, 2021, with great enthusiasm. The excitement of the children was palpable on screen as they geared up to celebrate Yoga, on a virtual platform. Since the theme for the year is ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family’, parents also joined the program with the same joy and excitement.

The program was organised by the Physical Education teacher Ms Divya. The celebration began with the state anthem, following which the Principal, Mrs Renu Dimri, addressed the gathering. She emphasized on enhancing the soundness of the mind and the body through yoga.

Lalithya of grade V welcomed the chief guest, the parents and her fellow mates. The innumerable benefits of yoga and the significance of celebrating International Yoga Day was given by Nikita of grade IV. The meaning of the Yoga Logo was briefed by Nedid of grade IV followed by Shloka recitation by HariPriya of grade V. Pragna of grade VI highlighted the significance of Surya Namaskar. A video compilation of our students flaunting their flexibility by performing yoga exercises, sitting and standing asanas and the Surya Namaskar, was played. The importance of these asanas was explained simultaneously.

The Chief Guest, Mr Satish, was warmly welcomed by Ms Nanda. Through an interactive question and answer session between Ms. Nanda and our chief guest, the importance of yoga in everyday life was discussed. It was an extremely informative and inspirational session.

The preceding week was celebrated as the Yoga week and students enjoyed performing the various yoga asanas including garden yoga, sports yoga, shapes yoga and unicorn yoga, during the fitness club sessions. Regular practice of yoga will surely help our students achieve a better life, physically, mentally as well as spiritually. The Yoga Day celebration concluded with the recitation of Shloka by Manasvi of grade I. Sai Likith of grade III proposed the Vote of thanks and the program ended with the National anthem.

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In-house workshop

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