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Celebrated the 75th Independence Day

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β€˜Let be freedom in mind, soul & body. Faith in your words & pride in your nature.’

Delhi Public School Bangalore Westcelebrated the 75th Independence Day. The schoolcampus was beautifullydecorated with balloons and flowers of the tricolour. The entire school campusechoed with patriotic songsthat sprungfeelings of pride and love for the nation. The Principal, Mrs RenuDimri, hoisted the National Flag, while the students, their families and the staff members present on the campusstood tall and saluted the flag with reverence.

Students prepared performances in their homes, their parents recorded them and the videos were compiled for the virtual celebration. The livestream and compering was organized by the Activity in-charge, Ms NandiniNarendar with the support of Ms Nanda, Ms Divya and Ms Gunjan.

All the students participated and performed with great excitement and enthusiasm.The program was divided into threeslots- Kindergarten, Grade I & II, and Grade III to VI. The celebrations commenced with the Karnataka Anthem. This was followed by the Welcome speech and an invocation song. Students sang patriotic songs and dressed up as freedom fighters. Students presented the diverse attires of India and gracefully performed patriotic dances. Theyshared their thoughts on their love for the country and most importantly, recognised their gratitude for the Covid warriors for their support and sacrifice during these tough times.The celebration concluded with the sign language performance of theNational Anthem by our students, whichwarmed everyone’s hearts. The Principal congratulated all the students, parents and staff for enthusiastically uniting to celebrate and honour the nation despite the current tough times.

β€œFor to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”– Nelson Mandela

At these tough times we must come together to hope and pray that all of us get freedom from the pandemic soon.

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In-house workshop

In-house workshop conducted at DPSBW on NEP for the teachers by Ms. Chandrika, Ms. Anjana, Ms. Kritika, Ms. Shivani, Ms. Manju, Ms. Nagalambika, Ms. Anusha,

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